I paint realistic but expressive watercolours , mostly, animals, landscapes and still life . This year I am also working with soft pastels. I love the transcendent , light reflecting quality that can be achieved with both these mediums. Colour, light , space and tone are key considerations to each piece , aiming for a harmonious and balanced response to the natural beauty of the world around us and am seeking to create a connection between the subject and the viewer.
I came to painting later in life after raising 3 children and enjoying a fulfilling career in acting and drama teaching. From the start I loved painting which I found to be an equally powerful means of creative expression and one which I find continually challenging and absorbing. I also adore poetry and write Haiku poetry.
My name is Maxie Absell and I am an expressive realist artist who enjoys working in watercolours, ink and dry pastel medium.
After retiring 5 years ago I recently re-located from Cornwall to Herefordshire where I now work from my home, inspired by the beautiful Herefordshire countryside around me. I also paint regularly with two art local art groups and am a member of HACS.
Foundation Art Diploma
Studied on Fine Art Degree course (painting) Chichester University
Open University B.A Hons 2:1 Humanities : Modern Art Practices and Debates. 2004
Stable Gallery Leominster - group exhibition - Dec/Jan 2022
Stable Gallery Leominster- group exhibition - Dec/Jan 2024
My work can seen and purchased from
me directly or my website