Shelly Perkins
Shelly Perkins
William Smith
William Smith
Catherine Van Giap - fish panel
Catherine Van Giap
Harbour by Lorenzo Gavarini
Lorenzo Gavarini
Jill Crowther
Jill Crowther

Stephanie Shaw

On this page

Artwork for Stephanie Shaw

Moses basket

Log baskets

Shopping trolley

Ashes casket

Willow backpack

Creel handbag

Willow foraging backpack

Willow coffin

How would you describe the work you do and why?: 

I specialise in making functional but beautiful baskets. From shopping trolleys to log baskets, traditional Moses baskets to willow coffins and urns, each piece is thoughtfully created to combine practicality with care and sensitivity.
I am committed to using locally sourced, natural materials in all of my work, in order to be as environmentally friendly as possible. I grow 28 different varieties of willow on my farm, which is woven into my coffins and baskets. This reduces their carbon footprint considerably as the material travels less than a mile from field to workshop where I know that it has been organically grown, with no pesticides and is 100% sustainable.
Alongside willow, I use a sustainable Welsh wool rope for my coffin handles and wooden braid for toggles and fixings. I also use hazel, other foraged materials and leather for basket handles.

For you what does being an artist mean?: 

For me, being an artist is about working with my hands and being creative with the natural materials I use. As a willow weaver, I love the process of weaving natural materials into functional, lasting creations that connect tradition, craftsmanship, and purpose.

Describe what you call yourself/your practice?: 

I am a willow coffin maker and basket weaver based in Leominster, North Herefordshire.

Your practice & activities include e.g workshops, teaching: 

I create traditional and bespoke willow baskets and coffins, run weaving workshops, and take commissions for custom designs.

CV & Education, relevant & leading to your artistic practice: 

October 2022 - June 2023. City & Guilds Level 2. Westhope College, Shropshire.

Exhibitions in the last 3 years: 

Footprint Gallery, Ironbridge: Weave Only A Trace - November 2024
Westhope College: City & Guilds Level 2 exhibition - July 2023

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