Artwork for Brian Maiden


Occasional Table

Dining Table

Demi-Lune Hall Table

Writing Table

Writing Box

Blanket Chest

Garden bench
How would you describe the work you do and why?:
Contemporary design and manufacture , in finest quality hardwood, handcrafted entirely by myself
For you what does being an artist mean?:
My life is devoted to doing what I believe in.
Describe what you call yourself/your practice?:
Furniture designer maker and allied products
Your practice & activities include e.g workshops, teaching:
Workshop, occasional teaching and lectures
CV & Education, relevant & leading to your artistic practice:
Stourbridge Art College, self taught woodworking
Exhibitions in the last 3 years:
Malvern Spring & Autumn Garden Show, Craftworks Elmslie House Malvern, Shropshire Guild Exhibitions Ludlow and Ironbridge
Your gallery outlets/stockists:
Artisan Alchemy Gallery Birmingham
Old Chapel Gallery Pembridge