Artwork for Ellie Tarratt

Medieval Harvest

Kilpeck Hound

World turned upside down
How would you describe the work you do and why?:
My work is historically inspired, drawing on the fascinating and varied medieval art of the British Isles, particularly the 14th to 16th centuries, but with forays into regional folklore. The images I am inspired by come from manuscripts, carvings and iconography, which I turn into hand-painted ceramic decorations, tiles and prints.
Describe what you call yourself/your practice?:
The name "Pretender to the Throne" arose out of homesickness when I lived overseas around 20 years ago, and I needed a name to describe the creation of art that wasn't a direct copy of historical artefacts but was inspired by them.
Your practice & activities include e.g workshops, teaching:
Sharing a shop with Jack in the Green Gallery
Your gallery outlets/stockists:
5 Bullring Ludlow