Artwork for Myra Fricker

Drifting into sleep

Rope swing girl

Life drawing

Life drawing (5 mins)


Life drawing

Dancing in sunshine
I think my work is generated more and more from the feelings and sensations of my life. My memories of floating -- the swell of the sea, the emotions evoked when drawing a life model, or the sensations of drifting off to sleep. I hope the viewer has a felt response to my pictures. Glass changes in changing light, so the mood of a piece can shift.
It's a beautiful medium.
Of course some of my work is just fun, like the snakes, or useful like plates and vases.
Self expression, and allowing myself to play around with ideas and materials. It's accepting all the imperfections inherent in my work and hoping that sometimes they make the final image more lively.
I'm a glass artist, making kiln formed glass. I also enjoy drawing and quite often I base a glass picture on a drawing. I make wire figures that I fuse into the glass, I may also paint onto glass or use a kiln carving technique. Recently I've been exploring utilising more than one technique in the same picture.
Currently I am not giving workshops, focusing on my personal work.
BA Hons Fine Art (3D) University of East London 2004
I subsequently learnt glass techniques at adult education classes with Ms Brett Manley. I have taken other short workshops in different techniques.
Art in Penalt 2023
FarOpen studios 2024, also 2023 and 2022.
Instagram myrafrickerart