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Fred Fair

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Artwork for Fred Fair

Spaniel in Bic




01584 831219
How would you describe the work you do and why?: 

I have always been more fascinated by studies than the completed piece when I visit a gallery. The energy, character and expression of line in a study drawing, for example, fixates me.

I don't seek out completeness, preferring instead, the informality of an extract from a sketchbook. Sometimes my drawings are accompanied by the notes and doodles of everyday life. Occasionally, I use an unloved paperback to draw on.. I enjoy the idea of reusing something that is destined for landfill and giving a value again.

The occasionally unreliable line quality of a humble Bic Cristal pen lends itself to this sketched aesthetic.

For you what does being an artist mean?: 

Nothing gives me quite the same enthusiasm and zest for life as practicing art. I feel it ties together various themes and interests that would otherwise remain unresolved. My art creates something whole and with meaning. It is very satisfying.

Describe what you call yourself/your practice?: 

I am an architect trained artist specialising in portraits of both people and pets, but I draw whatever interests me. I have a love of line and frequently draw in Bic which is currently my preferred medium. Ultimately, I see intaglio printing as a natural fit with my working methods.

I am a returning artist so I am enjoying figuring out what direction my art takes me after a 35 year hiatus.

Your practice & activities include e.g workshops, teaching: 

The last exhibition I contributed to was with my architectural work held in the Victoria +Albert Museum. A great experience.

Prior to studying architecture I had a one man exhibition of my work in Monmouth and exhibited widely in local galleries.

CV & Education, relevant & leading to your artistic practice: 

Studied Architecture and enjoyed a twenty five year career in prestigious London practices. Prior to that I attended Worcester Tech's Art Foundation Course where I specialised in Fine Art. I also spent a year in the studio of Cecily Sash whilst taking a Printmaking course at Hereford Tech and regular life drawing classes in Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

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