Artists Exhibiting at Canwood Gallery

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Special Events
Make a sheep with Garry Jones – “Ceramics to make you smile” Have a go Demo
Have a go Demo
Make a sheep with Garry Jones – “Ceramics to make you smile”
Have a go stone carving with the Llangarron Stone Carvers
Have a go stone carving with the Llangarron Stone Carvers – wear stout shoes. Safety equipment, stone and one to one guidance provided.
Make a sheep with Garry Jones
Have a go Demo
Make a sheep with Garry Jones – “Ceramics to make you smile”
£15 to cover materials, firing, P&P
Diane Ree techniques for Sculpting in Clay and mould making
Diane Ree will demonstrate and discuss techniques for Sculpting in Clay and mould making
Have a go stone carving with the Llangarron Stone Carvers
Have a go stone carving with the Llangarron Stone Carvers – wear stout shoes. Safety equipment, stone and one to one guidance provided.
Make a sheep with Garry Jones
Have a go Demo
Make a sheep with Garry Jones – “Ceramics to make you smile”
£15 to cover materials, firing, P&P
Diane Ree techniques for Sculpting in Clay and mould making
Diane Ree will demonstrate and discuss techniques for Sculpting in Clay and mould making