William Smith
William Smith
Harbour by Lorenzo Gavarini
Lorenzo Gavarini
Jill Crowther
Jill Crowther
Shelly Perkins
Shelly Perkins
Catherine Van Giap - fish panel
Catherine Van Giap

Art in the Orchard


Hello there and welcome!

Lovely art in the setting of a beautiful orchard and garden makes for the perfect place to visit, to relax with friends and family and to be inspired. We feel so fortunate to have our venue in this community orchard which sits at the base of the gorgeous Malvern Hills.

Here we have 10 local artists exhibiting a diverse range of media, including paintings in a variety of media, textiles, jewellery, batik, mixed media, ceramics and pottery for the garden.

Mhari Brown – Paint, Jewellery
Mary Clayburn – Textiles, 2D
Chris Hellowell – Fine Art
Lyndall Hopcraft – Ceramics
Kath Killick – Textiles, Felt
Marie-Therese King – Batik
Felicity Robinson – Painting
Gabrielle Rucinski – Ceramics
Duncan White – Wood, Sculpture
Anne Wodehouse – Paint, Pastels

For that extra bit of fun and if you are feeling inspired by the art, why not join us over the week in one of our many workshops or artist lead demonstrations. We have activities for both adults and children. Please look at the details of these in Special Events!

After viewing the art feel free to go walking through the orchard and garden or perhaps enjoy a tea, coffee or apple juice with cake!

On this page


h.Art map reference: 
Colwall Village Garden
Old Church Road, Colwall
WR13 6HB
What 3 Words: 
From Walwyn Rd. Colwall go 1 mile along Old Church Rd

Special Events

Kath Killick - Beginner’s Wet Felting: Using Pre-Felts

Get into textiles with this beginner workshop on 2D wet felting using wool, pre-felts and other fibres. Materials included. 4 hours.

Event Date: 
Monday, 9 September, 2024 - 12:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Kath Killick artintheorchard@icloud.com
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

Gabi Rucinski - Make a Wallwork in Clay

Investigating texture, mark making and use of coloured slips while making a clay wallwork. All materials & 2 firings included. 2 hours.

Event Date: 
Tuesday, 10 September, 2024 - 11:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Gabi Rucinski. xmgy417t@gmail.com
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

Felicity Robinson - Natural Mark Making: Craft your Own Unique ‘Brushes'

Dive into the world of mark-making by making your own ‘brushes’ from natural materials. These are works of art in themselves. 2 hrs.

Event Date: 
Tuesday, 10 September, 2024 - 14:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Felicity Robinson commonwood15@icloud.com
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

Mary Clayburn - Decoupage on Glass

Using a variety of transparent papers, you will be shown how to prepare and fix your design on glass. 1.5 hrs.

Event Date: 
Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 - 11:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Mary Clayburn pm@pollen-8.co.uk
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

Felicity Robinson - Book Arts Exploration; Make your own Sketchbooks

Immerse yourself in the art of bookbinding; stitching and folding a variety of papers to create unique personalised sketchbooks. 2 hrs

Event Date: 
Thursday, 12 September, 2024 - 14:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Felicity Robinson commonwood15@icloud.com
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

Gabi Rucinski - Make a Jug, Mug or Vase in Clay

Make a clay vessel using coils and coloured slips. Experienced potters may use their own methods. Materials & 2 firings included.

Event Date: 
Friday, 13 September, 2024 - 11:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Gabi Rucinski. xmgy417t@gmail. com
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

Felicity Robinson - Puppet Making; using Natural Materials

Make an articulated stick puppet character from natural materials. Suitable for over 5s. 1 hour.

Event Date: 
Saturday, 14 September, 2024 - 13:00
Booking Required: 
Booking Contact: 
Felicity Robinson commonwood15@icloud.com
Entry Type: 
Entry Fee: 
Event Type: 

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